Saturday, May 24

Photographing the Photographers

More pictures from Boseong...

Here are a handful of shots Rachel and I took of other tourists taking pictures of each other and the tea fields. It's all so meta. (Click any picture for the big version.)

Sunday, May 18

Through the Windshield

Here are some pictures from various buses we rode yesterday on our way to and from the Green Tea fields. Click each one for the larger versions.

BTW: In an effort to get the 'blog to load faster, I have removed a few of the widgets from the sidebar and reduced the number of posts displaying on the main page. Hooray for efficiency.

Saturday, May 17

Picking a Winner

Our friend Lauren is in town for a week! We're having fun Korean adventures and taking lots of pictures, so look for 'blog updates all this week. Today we visited Boseong, famous for its beautiful green tea fields. Before I post any of the many pictures from the fields, however, I wanted to share a couple candids of a woman keeping busy in a neighboring bus. These were taken while we were waiting to pull out of the station.



In her defense- and to mitigate some of the meanness I'm feeling for posting these- I must add that the weather has been awfully dry lately and the air in the buses is terrible. So, pick away sweet ajumma, pick away...

Wednesday, May 7

Gwangju FTW

We went to Gwangju to try to pick up GTA IV at Kumho World. No luck. We took some pictures, at least:

Friday, May 2

Fun with Photoshop

I've been pretty busy lately, so haven't had the time nor the energy to blog. I did have time to add a third panel to this old Interwebz chestnut:

I guess the validation of my effort will be to Stumble Upon it someday...